This last week I have been in the Amazon!! While I was excited to see the Amazon I have to admit that I was also really dreading the trip as it would be the first time that I would be the only one with our church values. At school whenever anyone would even mention the trip I would get a huge pit in my stomach. I even considered not going but through a lot of prayer I decided I could do it. I had a complete change of heart one night after reading my scriptures and actually got really excited to go!! I loved seeing how the scriptures blessed my life as I had to read them at the beginning of everyday to give me strength and to recharge my batteries.
The first day once we flew to Manaus and then we went to see a show at the Teatro Theater. Apparently it is one of the most famous opera houses! We went to dinner that night at a Churasscaria which had the BEST cooked pineapple covered in cinnamon sugar. Yum... The next day we went down a river in the middle of the jungle in canoes! It was so pretty!! We then hiked through the jungle! However our guide was a little indian man who didnt understand that we did not like to hike through swamps and rivers and then would just laugh at us while we would scream and groan! It was so hot that my pants were glued to me and everybody's shirts were soaked. Thanks to the hiking through ponds we all also had soggy feet in tennis shoes. It would have been okay if I hadnt had to stay in those clothes for 7 more hours!! Despite my complaining it was actually really fun and one of my favorite days!!
Wednesday we went to the actual Amazon River! I was awesome! Unfortunately I do not have any pictures. It was raining so hard in the morning that I was scared to take it and didnt know we were going to the river. The spot where the Rio Negre (i think) and the Amazon come together is so cool! The rivers are the two most distinct colors. One is a yellow brown sick color and the other the normal bluish-black color. We visited people who actually live on the Amazon in floating houses. There homes were tiny but they did have a T.V. which was ran by a car battery!! While on the Amazon there was a floating museum with animals just sitting around not caged or anything. I saw a HUGE snake, eels, crockadilles, really cute monkeys, sloths which are sooo cute too, and an electric eel!! Did you know that an electric eel can kill a horse??!! Yeah it was kindof scary!!
sorry its not the best pic but that is a sloth
After returning from the Amazon we went out to eat. Two boys sat next to me and decided that they wanted to get to know me. They figured out I was Mormon and started asking a whole bunch of questions. This turned into a 4 hour religious discussion!! (no I did not eat anything as I was talking the whole time) One of the boys asking the questions was interested but also seemed to try and catch me in my words. (Mostly everyone at the table was also atheist which made things a bit more difficult.) I was praying the whole time that I would know what to say and everytime without even realizing it I was answering questions and knew exactly what to say. I often had to stop and say that I dont know everything but then would bare my testimony. In the end I bribed them with a Sunday dinner and they agreed to come over and talk with the missionaries!!! I dont know if they will follow through but i was still pretty excited! Two of the boys were very religious Christians who knew a lot about the Bible so after we talked and they were very interested. I would explain things and one of them would say "yeah we believe that-wait do we?" it was so funny! One time I was explaining something about the premortal life and he was like "wow thats weird" and the other kid was like "just accept it man-keep going". It really was so funny! They were so accepting and at the end of the night I gave them my Book of Mormon for the night!! Im not going to lie it was exhausting!!
An Indian church (i need help someone i dont know how to flip it)
Thursday we went back to the Rio Negre river to swim in it! On the way there my two friends from the night before wanted to listen to my "gospel music" on my ipod! So they listened to all of my efy songs and mo-tab! ha ha In exchange i listened to their gospel music which was actually really good too! One of them is probably going to come to seminary too since we are studying the New Testament. Once we got to the river we went to see an indian rubber plantation which was cool and then went to a beach! We swam in the Rio Negre which was the warmest water. Seriously bathing temp! After, we visited an indian tribe and I got a lot of really cute souvenirs! That night we went to a dinner and show which was really cool but could have definitely been shown in Vegas. ha ha The costuming was really cool, however, and it reminded me a lot of Lion King on broadway if you have seen that.I was definitely the only one in a tainkini ha ha
I was very excited when Friday rolled around cuz it was the day to go home!! I had an idea before I left to bring along my portuguese Book of Mormon. Earlier in the week I had the idea that I could write my testimony in portuguese in the front cover and mark Moroni 10:4-5 and leave it for the maid. As we were packing i decided not to but then couldnt get the idea out of my head. So finally I wrote my testimony in the small bit of portuguese that i knew and was so excited when i opened up the book and saw that there was a pass-along card in the book! I dont remember putting it there but i must have at some point. So I used it as a bookmarker and stuck it in Moroni! I think it was Elder Bednar that said that there are no such things in life as coincidences but only tender mercies! I made my bed and set the book on it for the maid. I dont know if anything will come out of it but I pray that I may have at least planted a small seed! just twist your head and you can see some more of the jungle...
So after returning home I was so happy that I ended up going! It was definitely something that I will never forget! By the way today in church we had our primary program! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen to see the little Brazilian and American kids put a program together! The Brazilians were soooo cute!!! Everything here is going well and I have even started to figure out whats wrong with my stomach. It has been concluded that I definitely have a really bad allergy to milk! However Dad had me stop taking all of the medications I was on and I have found as long as I eat TONS of fruit, dont snack or eat cholcolate, and have zero milk I am fine!! That is the biggest blessing in my life right now to be able to be healthy! I love you all and miss you!! (by the way if anyone is reading this with similary problemes i have figured out the key is to just each lots and lots of fruit!! it really works!!)
You are amazing!!! I love you!!
Oh my goodness! You are just so amazing and beautiful! I absolutely love you! Hmm, when is the best time to call me...haha. I get home from school around 2:30 (my time), so pretty much anytime after that. I am just dying to talk to you! Love you! :D
Amanda,you are truly an amazing girl! Imagine having all those missionary experiences, and opportunities to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost! You are far ahead of what I experienced at your age. Knowing and recognizing the inspiration of the Holy Ghost is truly a great gift. Congratulations on having the courage to go on the trip to the Amazon, even though you were not excited in the beginning. It was fun to see your pictures!
I Love You!
Grandma Horne
Hey tell Aimee to let me on her blog!
I cannot believe ALL of your adventures that I just read about!! From paint balling to the Amazon, to teaching and testifying of this grand Gospel, to leaving a Book of Mormon for the maid! WOW!! You are amazing!! At this same time last year, if someone would have told you where you would be a year from then, and told you just some of the things you would be wouldn't have believed it! I am so proud of you!!!! Keep up the great work! You and your family are in our prayers every single day!
Amanda- It was fun to read about your trip to the Amazon. Sounds like you are having some great experiences. Glad that you are feeling better. We miss you all. Love , Aunt MIchelle
Good for you; I'm so proud of you, Amanda! Brazil kind of feels like a dream for me at this point...but time is sure FLYING by!!!!
Hey darling girl- I didn't realize that you have been blogging so I had to catch up today. I am so proud of you. You have had such great adventures and I can see how these experiences have blessed your life. I will keep checking back with you. (I actually started a blog for our family this week.- It is a bit overwhelming for an old person.) I love you!
(I dreamed about you last night-weird!)
hi amanda! i just found your blog via your parents' site, and i have to say... you are incredible. you have grown up and are so beautiful, talented and brave. you are truly and inspiration. tell your parents we say hello!
Ha! thanks cuz!!! I miss you and I hope that you have an awesome day!! thanks for the phone call!!! :D
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